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To be in the top 10 % AMAZON seller that generates $100,000 per year, you need to focus on proper listing optimization.

Here are some tips:

Relevant Keywords - Research your competitor on Amazon, explore searching software to help generate keywords like Jungle Scout or Helium 10. Proper keyword = More Sales.

Product Images - Use images with dimensions to show the size of your jewelry. Lifestyle photos to show the product of how this product could be used in their everyday lives.

Reviews - plays a vital role in product ranking, but getting reviews can be a challenge. Enroll in Amazon’s Vine Voice program, which helps new listings to generate credible reviews.

Good Content - The title of your Amazon product listing is the first thing that a customer will see and Amazon A9 Search Engine. The next text that customers will see are the bullet points. Add the most important information about your jewelry like measurements, origin natural or lab, metal, why they should buy from you.

Source: AMZgemz,

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