TOMORROW I will be speaking at JEWELRY E-COMMERCE webinar Presented by Valigara about how to lunch or increase your jewelry business in AMAZON alongside with Igor Nusinovich , Andrew Rowson and Liran Weiss The jewelry industry is rapidly changing, with eCommerce in the focus. With all eyes on eBay, Amazon, Walmart, Etsy and other online sales channels - what is the current role of the leading marketplaces for jewelers today? What is changing and where are we moving to? $1 Billion in eCommerce sales. We gathered a unique panel of 3 most established and practical eCommerce experts in marketplace marketing. Each participant brings the experience of managing, developing and advising to hundreds of jewelry stores worldwide. This event is a unique summary of each marketplace insights, best practices and updates. The panel will be managed by our CEO Igor Nusinovich - one of the most recognized online marketing specialists in the jewelry industry, jewelry eCommerce veteran, founder of Valigara Online Jewelry Manager – the leading jewelry eCommerce platform. Don't miss!
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